About Pete Nevin and FarWest R&C Sales/Mgt. Co.
Pete found his calling in Real Estate by cleverly combining his sales and music experience, where he quickly gravitated to his special niche: selling unique properties, ranches, land and estates.
In this specialized area of ranch, land and unique property sales, there is no substitute for the experience and the resulting relationships built over time. Pete Nevin has been involved in Northern Nevada, Northern California and West Coast property sales for more than 27 years. He is one of the few realtors who has made a career out of specializing in ranches, land, homes, estates, and waterfront properties for those who desire truly unique lifestyles or investments. Pete’s success escalated about 15 years ago when the joined Alex Gassiot and the Farwest R&C Sales/Mgt. Co. sales management team.
Pete is able to develop strong relationships with his clients as he assists them in attaining their real estate goals whether it’s through consulting or by helping them find a property exactly suited for their needs and desires or by helping them to sell their own unique property.
Pete explains, “It’s based on understanding the personal values and the magnitude of investing in real estate.” Grateful for the confidence and trust he has built with his loyal client base, Pete also works closely with those clients wishing to preserve land, protect the environment and gain the financial benefits with conservation programs.
Pete credits his success in gaining his clients’ trust, his many friendships and long term relationships to his professional honesty, morals and values.
Some examples of conservation organizations Pete has worked with in the recent years:
- Feather River Land trust
- US Forest Service
- Sierra Business Council
- Bureau of Land Management
- Wildlife Conservation Board
- The Nature Conservancy
- American Land Conservancy
- Trust for Public Lands